Friday, August 15th 2003
Joining the "Zomers" and getting aboard !!

Today we finished our stay in Austria and early morning 4:00 we headed for Ljubliana. Why there and why so early ??? Early because we got a tip, that the Friday was a public holiday in the Southern Region and therefore lots and lots of traffic was expected, with the traffic jam which belongs to that obviously.... The Zomers had this tip as well and decided to head for Ljubliana the day before. We decided to meet round 5:00 at the next Stop after Ljubliana.....

Still a bit sleepy, we actually found each other and got our first coffee and cola before we moved on....

At the left Nel (my sister ) and husband Paul. At the right Willemien, Robert-Jan and Anne....


At day break, we were already close to Pula in Croatia where we could pick up our boat. FAR too early, but the alternative, staying in 100km stalling traffic, was not very attractive too......

So early day we arrived at the extremely guarded Marina in Pula. Strange, we had to hand in our passports and half an hour later we could pick them up at the reception, together with immigration papers. Of course we had to pay taxes for this.... as well for parking at the marina, even though there were no parking lots available !!! (later we found one very far away...) mmmhhhh lets say local habits....

We had to do a lot of waiting, but with a nice terrace in the marina this was not really a problem. Paul and I did the grocery shopping for the week. Incredible what you need for 7 persons for one week :-) Nel took the kids for a swim....


More waiting and already a few impressions  of the marina. The Sunsail team was doing their best, but at high season times it is almost impossible to get the boats ready again in a short time. But on all suffering naturally comes to an end and finally we got the boat, our papers and Instructions. The boat, a Sun Odyssee 42.2 is named "Bonita" to a local Saint (just kidding :-), so if you see here around this week, step by for a drink !!

We decided to leave the very busy marina of Pula and take a short trip to a nice bay around the tip of Istrie. A small marina called "Pome"

Paul did a great navigation-job and led me through all the shallow waters to the correct spot. We arrived after sunset (which is just wonderful in these waters) and found a nice spot to stay over night. Ofcourse we closed the evening with a great diner with local specialties and some great wine at a local family restaurant at the marina ....

Tomorrow we will sail to the Island of UNIJE and will anchor at the bay with the same name....



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